Thursday, March 29, 2007

Little about me Blog post Entry One

Hello every one
I am Afshan and was born in Pakistan.I have been living in New Zealand for five years with my family. WhenI came here life appeared different but now,I feel very familar with the New Zealand envionrment. My family is very happy in New Zealand. Especaily my children are enjoying in the School.

First of all,I have a few barriers English is our second language so I am trying to overcome my communication problems . Currently I am doing English a Diploma. After compeletion English DiplomaI want to go Early Childhood Education because my back ground is pre school teacher in my home country. Knowledge is power,Therefore, I am getting more confident. The main purpose of my immigration is to build my career. I had the opportunity to see England in 1992 when I stayed there for one year.I have also visited many countries but I like New Zealand very much.