Monday, May 21, 2007

Death spurs plan to ban boy-racers-Blog Entry 7 tex t based

This ArticleThe death of Scott Jarrod Finn, 20, who was killed by a car travelling at 160km/h as he was watching an illegal car race in Mt Maunganui on 19th May 2007, has raised many questions

The incident which took place in Tauranga has shocked the nation as such things risks not only life but property as well. This concern over boy races, alcohol and teen culture has also made hundereds of parents to gather last night in Christchurch to assess the situation. Mayors from 20 district cities have been also meeting to discuss how to control the boy racing problem. Police are also cracking down on such fun lovers and hundereds of cars involved in car racing are being impounded. The lawmakers are also thinking of new laws to curb this menace.

There are manys forms of verbs, most of the verb foms past explain what happen , there is one example of prasent perfect continuos which is used for an action that begins in the past and continues up other prasent.and action may be finished or unfinished.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Globalisation Blog Post Entry Two taxt based skill week 4

It is certainly true that technology has changed very rapidly over the last few decades.
Globalisation has many effects on human lives and computers are one of the greatest
inventions, which are very helpful in many ways. In my country computers are very important everywhere. Such as offices, shops, banks, colleges and universities. I think the computer has made a big change in human lives. People can save time and money because of E mail, Internet shopping and Internet banking. Another area is food which has now become fast food. For example KFC, Macdonals which are now very popular all over world. Everyone knows about those fast food companies, especially children. The problem of increasing obesity is usually linked to the addiction of fast food. So globalisation on the one hand has given us the technology, then on the other hand the issue of increasing obesity due to such rapid growth of fast food chain stores. What do you think?

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Comparison of two pictures Week7 oral skill

The two pictures showing two different life style. The First picture shows a rural area that is looking narrow street..Usually retired people like to live in the rural area . Because of healthy environment, avaliability of fresh food . In addition life is very quite in rural area and knowing eople each other. There are cost of living is also low.The second picture an urban area shows very tall building, many premises and a very busy life. However, there are more opportunities of employment. Especially educations are high standard like university level more facility and life style is good in city.

I have been living in city and used to live city so I like it . I think all urban and rural areas are similar. There are many similarities in the cities. Such as a city have many building, towers and university. However in Pakistan there are heaps and heaps of flats but some people live in big or huge houses. But the populations of Pakistan are 12 millions to 14 millions and than New Zealand there are only 4 millions .And it is congested and the traffic is too much sometimes you have to wait1- 2 hours for the traffic to settle but in New Zealand there is less traffic that why I prefer to live in NEW ZEALAND

NIGHT WITHOUT END Blog Post Entry Three


Three scientists Dr Mason,Jack and Joss are working in a weather station on the polar ice-cap, 640 km north of Artic Circle. They heard a big bang as a plane crash nearby but it do not catch fire.They rushe out in order to help the passengers .The rescue team realize something strange. The dead pilot have a bullet hole in his back and there are four die and a fifth who also die later. Joss think someone had wrecked the radio deliberately. They shifte the surviving passengers to their camp. The team realize the danger as someone among the survivors was the murderer. Masson decide to take the passengers to the coast which is a diffcult and dangerours journey.The team finally trace the murderer ,Smallwood ,who is killed.`