Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Movie Review "Cat in the Hat"Week 5 Oral based

Cat in the Hat

This story, which is well known among children since 1957, was made to life by Hollywood. This is about two children brother Conrad (Spencer Breslin) and a sister Sally (Dakota Fanning) who feel boring and want to do something but their interests are different. One cold wet day, they are visited by a catlike person (Mike Myers) who offers them some fun. The house is turned into a big mess during fun and that makes the children worried, as their mother, Joan (Kelly Preston) who works in a local real estate office will be back home to arrange a party. Quinn (Alec Baldwin), a neighbour, whom Joan is dating, wants to send Conrad to military school. On that particular day in question, Joan leaves instructions not to mess up the house since she's having an important party that night .Suddenly the huge Cat arrived which appeared to the children as scary. After meeting Sally and Conrad they all agreed to have all the fun but cat assured them that nothing bad will happen. They ignored the advice from the Golden Fish (voiced by Hayes), who was their pet. Cat and children made lots of mess and afterwards set the house in order before mother arrived.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lecture about Police Oral based Skill Week 10


Police Constable Rohan Stace mentioned Police duties and responsibilities of public but the question is why should we need police? if anyone feel any problem which is related to the law and order situation, such as burglary, lost property, vandalism and accident. First of all, Police organisation is made for security and help for the public. So if people face a problem, they can feel free to dial 111. Furthermore, if people have lost property or passport they can report an immediately.

Secondly, Police also recommends steps for safety of public. People should avoid walking alone especially in the night and always walk in crowe places .In addition domestic violence is the serious crime in New Zealand and 85% of the victims are women. If people know about any criminal involved in a criminal activity. They can call the Police without any hesitation. To sum up, the police department is very helpful for citizen, for further information; please go to visit the Police website. http://www.police.govt.nz/

Domestic new headlines-Oral Based week 8

I listened six front pages stroies on the radio, two storeies from New Zealand Herald, two stories from Dominion the post, one story from the Press, one story from the Otago daily Time.I chose 'Climate Change' from New Z ealand Herald." This story is about new methods to stop globbal warming using more nuclear power and the option of nuclear energy, which can be the best''.

Three pronunciations from the story.
1 week form schwa to/a/fight
2 consonont to vowell linking clash/a/over
3 sounds disappear fight/ g/global/

Monday, June 4, 2007

My Trip Text based skill Entry 10

Last Easter break we made programme to go to outside Auckland .Firstly we decided to go to Hamilton..It was two hours drive and it was boring in the car .Because we felt very tired. Anyway when we arrived in Hamilton it was so different than Auckland because the taraffic was slow and calm.
Suddenly I thought my children were hungry so we had to buy somthing to eat.We decided to stay at a park . I looked at park it was big and very closed to another park like RainbowEnd center so my children cried "We want to go RainbowEnd center".We had enjoyed the Centre for a while,I looked at my watch and saw that about five hours had passed and then we went to see Waiokato river and dam which is a very beautiful and big attraction for visitors.While we were in the car listening to songs we passed some tall mountains and farms, it was so amazing and entertining.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Climate Panel goes for Nulear Option- Text Based Skill -Entry 6

This article on Climate Change refers to The third United Nations Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report that is relating to the rising temperature on our planet and the measures to check this issue. The environmentalist think that the option of nuclear energy can be the best as it will not add anything to the current greenhouse gases. However the climate experts or of the view that we should control the current level and should consider renewable energy from wind, energy efficiency and other steps to reduce energy consumption.

In this article, there are numbers of active and passive forms. Active verbs were 30 and passive were 6 besides several different kinds of form.There is one simple passive, one past perfect passive and simple past passive.

Bob Woolmer, Death not Murder-Text Based Entry 7 Sunday Times London

I have chosen issue of Pakistan Cricket Team Coach Bob Woolmer published in the Sunday Times London on June 03,2007 Article of the death of Bob Woolmer He was found dead in his hotel room on March 18, the day after Pakistan lost to Jamaica in the World Cup match. This death shocked the cricket world and reports of murder were in the press all over the world. The doubt was also on the Pakistani team and they were being treated as involved in this death. Now the report of a pathologist was not murder has declared the death of Bob Whoolmer was a natural death. I agree with this article and I think this is a propaganda of the press which is appear to hate a Pakistani team and that is not fair .we should protest this issue