Monday, June 4, 2007

My Trip Text based skill Entry 10

Last Easter break we made programme to go to outside Auckland .Firstly we decided to go to Hamilton..It was two hours drive and it was boring in the car .Because we felt very tired. Anyway when we arrived in Hamilton it was so different than Auckland because the taraffic was slow and calm.
Suddenly I thought my children were hungry so we had to buy somthing to eat.We decided to stay at a park . I looked at park it was big and very closed to another park like RainbowEnd center so my children cried "We want to go RainbowEnd center".We had enjoyed the Centre for a while,I looked at my watch and saw that about five hours had passed and then we went to see Waiokato river and dam which is a very beautiful and big attraction for visitors.While we were in the car listening to songs we passed some tall mountains and farms, it was so amazing and entertining.

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