Saturday, June 2, 2007

Differences in manners between NZ & own country Entry Five

The word manner has been defined as 'Behavior or social conduct' in the Merriam Webster dictionary. This behavior can be observed as good or bad depending upon the general public in which we live. New Zealand is a multiculture society, and people living here are from 184 different nationalities. The dominant population is of U.K. origin, whereas others are local Maori, Chinese, Indian and others. So the culturerel came from the U.K still prevails in NZ society. No doubt this culture has politeness and courteousness and patience. In addition this has the feature of helping people to an extent one can go. The good manner of greeting people and gave them a smile irrespective of any formal introduction. When visiting someone then to make an advance appointment and take some gift as a token of love and respect is also common. But then I see my country of birth and surely I feel huge difference and a low level of politeness and courteousness. This was not the case 30 years ago but due to increase in poverty and absence of education, the bad manners are evident everywhere. In case of NZ also this has been noted that public rudeness and misbehaviors are increasing. The reason is being explained as the increasing welfare by a state.

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